06 Oct '15 Electing a Speaker: Mid-Congress Edition Mark Strand, Tim Lang 29 Sep '15 Boehner Spares Colleagues a Fight—But Did His Antagonists Win? Mark Strand, Tim Lang 30 Sep '14 For Your Information: Speaker Boehner: Immigration Reform Needed Now; Will Independents Deliver Senate Victories? Congressional Institute 29 Sep '14 For Your Information: Speaker Boehner: U.S. Ground Troops Could Be Necessary to Destroy ISIS; Would a Senate Republican Majority Restore the Filibuster?; 20th Anniversary of the Contract with America Congressional Institute 25 Apr '14 For Your Information: House Oversight Committee Continues IRS Targeting Investigation; Congressional Republicans Speak on Immigration Reform Congressional Institute 15 Apr '14 For Your Information: Speaker Visits Afghanistan; Nominations Frustrate Senate; Congressional Polarization; CBO: Deficit Could Top $1 Trillion Within Decade Congressional Institute 04 Apr '14 For Your Information: Senate Invokes Cloture on Unemployment Insurance; Dems Avoid Obamacare; Wage Deal Unlikely Congressional Institute 20 Mar '14 For Your Information: Will Unemployment Insurance Bill Pass Congress? Congressional Institute 28 Feb '14 For Your Information: Committee Seniority and the Race to Be Energy and Commerce Ranking Member Congressional Institute