06 Apr '17 Previewing the Nuclear Option: How the Senate Could Reform the Filibuster Mark Strand, Tim Lang 04 Jan '17 Harry Reid’s Unintended Gift to Trump Mark Strand, Tim Lang 21 Mar '16 Statement from Congressional Institute President Mark Strand on the Threat of the Nuclear Option Against Filibuster of Supreme Court Nominations Congressional Institute 27 Feb '15 Once Again: Don’t Abolish the Filibuster Mark Strand, Tim Lang 10 Feb '15 How the Filibuster Can Help Congress: A Response to President Obama’s Vox Interview Mark Strand, Tim Lang 29 Sep '14 For Your Information: Speaker Boehner: U.S. Ground Troops Could Be Necessary to Destroy ISIS; Would a Senate Republican Majority Restore the Filibuster?; 20th Anniversary of the Contract with America Congressional Institute 16 Apr '14 For Your Information: Why Congressional Centrism Ended, But Bipartisanship Still Possible; Anti-Filibuster Suit Appeal Denied; Congress Working on Voting Rights Act Fixes Congressional Institute 15 Apr '14 For Your Information: Speaker Visits Afghanistan; Nominations Frustrate Senate; Congressional Polarization; CBO: Deficit Could Top $1 Trillion Within Decade Congressional Institute 01 Apr '14 Cloture, Filling the Tree, and Curtailing Senate Debate: Cracks in the Senatorial Saucer Mark Strand, Tim Lang