15 Sep '14 For Your Information: House GOP Prepares Energy Votes; Politico Poll: Voters Support Republicans on Immigration in Midterms; Speaker Boehner to Give Speech on Economy Congressional Institute 12 Sep '14 For Your Information: Members of Congress Mull President’s Syria Request Congressional Institute 10 Sep '14 For Your Information: President, Congressional Leaders Discuss ISIS Strategy Congressional Institute 04 Sep '14 For Your Information: House, Senate Plan Post-Recess Agenda; Political Questions Plaguing ISIS Response; Senator Coburn: Call an Amendment Convention Congressional Institute 03 Sep '14 For Your Information: Members of Congress Press for Plans to Stop ISIS Following Sotloff Murder Congressional Institute 28 Aug '14 For Your Information: C-SPAN to Cover 100+ Midterm Election Debates; President Reportedly May Sidestep Congress on International Climate Change Deal Congressional Institute 11 Aug '14 FYI: Iraq Crisis Unites President, Congressional Republicans; Forecasting U.S. Senate Races Congressional Institute 08 Aug '14 For Your Information: Senate Intel Chair Critizices CIA Report Redactions; Opinion: Stepping Back from the Constitutional Brink; Foreign Affairs Subcomm Holds Ebola Outbreak Hearing Congressional Institute 07 Aug '14 For Your Information: Majority Leader Not Stepping Stone for Speakership; Norton Defends DC Pot Vote; President Defends Executive Actions Congressional Institute