09 Oct '14 For Your Information: House Committees Approve Defense Department Fund Transfers to Fight Ebola Congressional Institute 08 Oct '14 For Your Information: Members of Congress Call for Anti-Ebola Measures Congressional Institute 06 Oct '14 For Your Information: ISIS Executes Additional Hostage; Graham, Reed Divided on Use of American Ground Troops Congressional Institute 02 Oct '14 For Your Information: Ground Troops Needed to Defeat ISIS, Some Military Experts Say Congressional Institute 01 Oct '14 For Your Information: Secret Service Director Resigns Following Congressional Testimony Congressional Institute 30 Sep '14 For Your Information: Speaker Boehner: Immigration Reform Needed Now; Will Independents Deliver Senate Victories? Congressional Institute 29 Sep '14 For Your Information: Speaker Boehner: U.S. Ground Troops Could Be Necessary to Destroy ISIS; Would a Senate Republican Majority Restore the Filibuster?; 20th Anniversary of the Contract with America Congressional Institute 26 Sep '14 For Your Information: Members of Congress React to Attorney General Resignation Congressional Institute 25 Sep '14 For Your Information: Federal Judges to Receive $1 Billion Extra in Back Pay, Benefits; Kansas Senator Resigns Eisenhower Memorial Commission; U.S. Allies Bomb Islamic State Oil Refineries Congressional Institute